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Descriere : Pentru creearea oricaror forme din metale feroase si neferoase. Motoare pas cu pas, cu axul ghidat pe rulmenti. Pentru fabricarea unicatelor sau a produselor in serie. Date tehnice : 220-240 V. 50/60 HZ. Distanta intre centre 400mm. Inaltimea centrelor 85mm. Precizie 5/1000 mm. Motor 550 W. Greutate aprox. 45 Kg.
28196 lei (TVA inclus)
Specifications: Distance between centers: 550 mm Distance over bed: 125 mm Swing over bed: 250 mm Spindle speed (6 steps) 125
10645 lei (TVA inclus)
STRUNG UNIVERSAL F-0716 Strungul de strunjit universal se utilizeaza pentru prelucrarea pieselor metalice si nemetalice. Strungul poate efectua urmatoarele operatiuni: strunjire, gaurire si filetare. Avansul poate fi efectuat in regim automat sau manual, functie de faptul, ce metoda se preteaza pentru materialul prelucrat. Strungul poate fi folosit in scularii, la efectuarea deservirii tehnice, la intreprinderi industriale mici si mijlocii.
8574 lei (TVA inclus)
STRUNG UNIVERSAL F-0708 Diametrul de strunjire peste batiu (L) 200 mm, Diametrul de stunjire peste suport (S) 122 mm, Distanta dintre varfuri (X) 520 mm, Lungime de strunjire in zona batiului demontabil 110 mm, Universal autocentrat cu 3+3 bacuri Ø125 mm, Trecere ax 18 mm, Con ax Mk III, Con papusa Mk II, Gama de turatii 170 ÷ 1950 rot/min (6 tr.), Fileturi metrice - Interval 0,25 ÷ 3 mm, Filet in toli - Intereval 8 ÷ 48 TPI, Avans longitudinal automat, Putere utila motor 550W / 230 V, Dimensiuni (L x l x h) 1080 x 440 x 400h mm, Greutatea 144 kg.
10070 lei (TVA inclus)
Strungul de strunjit universal se utilizeaza pentru prelucrarea pieselor metalice si nemetalice. Strungul poate efectua urmatoarele operatiuni: strunjire, gaurire si filetare. Avansul poate fi efectuat in regim automat sau manual, functie de faptul, ce metoda se preteaza pentru materialul prelucrat. Strungul poate fi folosit in scularii, la efectuarea deservirii tehnice, la intreprinderi industriale mici si mijlocii.
17021 lei (TVA inclus)
STRUNG UNIVERSAL Diametrul de strunjire peste batiu (L) 305 mm, Diametrul de strunjire peste batiu demontabil 480 mm, Diametrul de stunjire peste suport (S) 173 mm, Distanta dintre varfuri (X) 940 mm, Lungime de strunjire in zona batiului demontabil 150 mm, Trecere ax 38 mm, Con ax Mk V, Gama de turatii 64÷1500 rot/min (9 tr), Fileturi metrice - Interval 0,5÷3,5 mm, Filet in toli - Intereval 7,5÷ 48 T.P.I., Avans longitudinal 0,051÷0,303 mm, Avans transversal 0,051÷0,303 mm, Con pinola Mk III, Putere utila motor 1,5 kW/ 230 V, sau 1,1kW /400V .Dimensiuni (L x l x h) 600x1600x1270 mm, Greutatea 465 kg. Dotare standard: Universal autocentrat cu 3+3 bacuri Ø 160 mm, Universalul cu 4 bacuri independente reversibile Ø 200 mm, Bucsa reductie Mk V / Mk III, Flansa fata Ø 240 mm, Flansa fata Ø 200 mm, Luneta mobila, Luneta fixa, Varf rotativ Mk III, Varf fix Mk III, Varf fix Mk V, Indicator filet, Lampa de lucru, Sistem de racire.
32511 lei (TVA inclus)
STRUNG UNIVERSAL . Parametrii tehnici:Diametrul de strunjire peste batiu (L)400 mm, Diametrul de strunjire peste batiu demontabil 550 mm, Diametrul de stunjire peste suport (S) 258 mm, Distanta dintre varfuri (X) 1000 mm, Lungime de strunjire in zona batiului demontabil 240 mm, Trecere ax 55 mm, Con ax Mk VI, Gama de turatii 45 ÷ 2000 rot/min (12 tr.), Fileturi metrice - Interval 0,8 ÷ 14 mm, Filet in toli - Intereval 2 ÷ 28 TPI, Filet modul - Interval 0,5 - 7 (18 tr.), Avans longitudinal 0,06 ÷ 2,78 mm, Avans transversal 0,01 ÷ 0,72 mm, Dimensiunea maxima a cutitului 25 x 25 mm, Con pinola Mk IV, Putere utila motor 1,5/2,4 kW(2 viteze)/400V, Dimensiuni (L x l x h) 1930 x 760 x 1600h mm, Greutatea 865 kg. Dotare standard: Afisaj electronic de cote pe 3 axe, Universal autocentrat cu 3+3 bacuri Ø 200 mm, Universalul cu 4 bacuri independente reversibile Ø 200 mm, Bucsa reductie Mk VI / Mk IV, Flansa Ø 320 mm, Luneta mobila, Luneta fixa, Varf rotativ Mk IV, Varf fix Mk IV, Indicator filet, Lampa de lucru, Sistem de racire.
63785 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE FREZAT METALE F-T058 .Diametru maxim de gaurire Ø 13 mm, Diametru maxim al capului de frezat Ø 30 mm, Diametru maxim a frezei frontale Ø 16 mm, Con ax principal Mk III, Inclinare ax principal +/- 45°, Cursa ax principal 210 mm, Distanta ax-masa 290 mm, Dimensiuni masa 430 x 110 mm, Canal T 12 mm, Avans ax longitudinal 130 mm, Avans ax transversal 250 mm, Viteze de lucru (1) 50 ÷ 1100 rot/min +/- 10% (2) 120 ÷ 2500 rot/min +/- 10%, Putere utila 550W / 230 V, Dimensiuni 660 x 550 x 720 mm, Greutate 78 kg
6905 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE FREZAT METALE F-T045 Diametru maxim de gaurire Ø 25 mm, Diametru maxim al capului de frezat Ø 63 mm, Diametru maxim a frezei frontale Ø 13 mm, Con ax principal Mk III, Cursa ax principal 400 mm, Cursa ax 100 mm, Distanta ax-coloana 200 mm, Distanta ax principal-masa 380 mm, Avans veritcal manual (diviziune) 0,03 mm, Diametru coloana Ø 92 mm, Dimensiuni masa 585 x 190 mm, Canal T 14 mm, Avans longitudinal 160 mm, Avans transversal 370 mm, Viteze de lucru 90 ÷ 2150 rot/min, Putere utila motor 1100W / 230 V, Dimensiuni 730 x 670 x 1020 mm, Greutate 195 kg.
10933 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE FREZAT METALE Diametru maxim de gaurire pentru fonta Ø 45 mm, Diametrul maxim al capului de frezat Ø 80 mm, Diametrul maxim a frezei frontale Ø 32 mm, Con ax principal Mk IV, Inclinare ax principal ± 90°, Cursa ax principal 120 mm, Distanta ax-coloana 240 mm, Distanta ax principal-masa 460 mm, Avans veritcal manual (diviziune) 0,02 mm, Dimensiuni masa 800 x 240 mm, Canal T 12 mm, Avans longitudinal 560 mm, Avans transversal 190 mm, Viteze de lucru 75-170-280-540-960-1600 rot/min, Putere utila motor 1500W / 400 V, Dimensiuni 1090 x 785 x 1120 mm, Dimensiuni placa de baza 405 x 630 mm, Greutate 350 kg
18414 lei (TVA inclus)
Mandrina de precizie, de înaltă calitate, fără cheie, strânge automat burghiul. Inelul de siguranţă garantează fixarea sigură a burghiului Laser integrat ca ajutor la găurire: pentru găurirea simplă şi exactă – foarte precisă. LED-ul asigură buna iluminare a sectorului de lucru Cu ajutorul clemei de strângere rapidă pot fi fixate comod şi piesele rotunde – pentru un rezultat absolut precis al găuririi Limitatorul paralel şi placa de lucru mare permit poziţionarea precisă şi sigură a piesei de prelucrat Butonul rotativ cu Softgrip integrat face posibil un avans de găurire controlat, comod Date tehnice Putere nominală 710 W Turaţie la mersul în gol 200 – 2.500 rot/min Turaţie la mersul în gol treapta 1-a/a 2-a 200 – 850 / 2.500 min-1 Tip laser 2 Diam. max. găurire oţel 13 mm Diam. max. găurire lemn 40 mm Domeniu prindere mandrină 1,5 – 13 mm Cursa de găurire 90 mm Dimensiuni placă de bază (l x gr. x H) 330 x 350 x 30 mm Greutatea maşinii 11,2 kg Funcţii Laser ca ajutor la găurire Lampă de lucru integrată APASA AICI PENTRU PRET Sau poti viziona VIDEO:APASA AICI PENTRU PREZENTARE VIDEO
Masina de gaurit cu coloanala 230V sau 400V,Putere 550W,12 trepte de viteza,Mandrina 3-16 mm pringere MT2-B18,Inaltime totala 980mm,masa diametru 310mm,cursa ax principal 324mm,placa baza 420x250mm,buton oprire de urgenta
1951 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE GAURIT CU COLOANA STATIONARA F-0012 .Diametru mandrina Ø 16 mm, Con ax principal Mk II, Cursa ax principal 80 mm, Distanta ax-coloana 160 mm, Distanta max. ax-placa de baza 650 mm, Inaltime 990 mm,. Diametru coloana Ø 71 mm, Dimensiuni masa Ø 290 mm, Viteze de lucru 270/2800 rot/min (12 tr), Putere utila 650W / 230 V, Greutate 54 kg .
2043 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE GAURIT CU COLOANA STATIONARA F-0757 .Diametru mandrina Ø 16 mm, Con ax principal Mk II, Cursa ax principal 80 mm, Distanta ax-coloana 430 mm, Distanta max. ax-placa de baza 670 mm, Inaltime 800 mm, Inclinare ax 90° Sx / Stanga. 45° Dx /Dreapta, Diametru coloana Ø 71 mm, Dimensiuni masa Ø 250 mm, Viteze de lucru 460/2890 rot/min (5 tr), Putere utila 550W / 230 V, Greutate 57 kg .
2762 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE GAURIT CU COLOANA STATIONARA F-T071. Diametru maxim de gaurire Ø 28 mm, Con ax principal Mk III, Cursa ax principal 100 mm, Distanta ax-coloana 203 mm, Distanta ax-masa 145-895 mm, Distanta ax-placa de baza 1200 mm, Diametrul coloana Ø 98 mm, Dimensiuni masa 350 x 280 mm, Inclinare masa ±90°, Deschidere falca menghina 90 mm, Canal T 12 mm Viteze de lucru 127 - 2380 rot/min (16 tr.), Putere utila 1-0,5 kW / 400V, Dimensiuni 535 x 820 x 1700 mm, Dimensiuni placa de baza 460 x 650 mm, Greutate 280 kg.
12659 lei (TVA inclus)
3970 lei (TVA inclus)
MASINA DE GAURIT STATIONARA CU AVANS AUTOMAT F-T066 .Diametru maxim de gaurire Ø 40 mm, Con ax principal Mk IV, Cursa ax principal 125 mm, Distanta ax-coloana 320 mm, Distanta ax-masa 80-680 mm, Distanta ax-placa de baza 1140 mm, Diametrul coloana Ø 125 mm, Dimensiuni masa 500 x 380 mm, Inclinare masa ±90°, Deschiere falca menghina 125 mm, Canal T 14 mm, Viteze de lucru 75 - 3200 rot/min (12 tr.), Avans automat 0,1 - 0,18 - 0,26 mm, Putere utila 1,1-1,5 kW / 400 V, Putere utila sistem de racire 40 W / 400 V, Dimensiuni 500 x 750 x 2000 mm, Dimensiuni placa de baza 470 x 670 mm, Greutate 440 kg, Sistem de iluminat disponibil in dotarea standard, Sistem de racire disponibil in dotarea standard.
24168 lei (TVA inclus)
Polizor cu disc abraziv si disc sarma.Polizor D=150x20x12,7mm,U=230V,50Hz,350W,Greutate 8kg,turatie 2950 rpm.Livrat ci un disc sarma si 3 discuri abrazive GR36-40/corun gr 80/silicon carb gr80
748 lei (TVA inclus)
Polizor combinat: polizare umeda-130RPM piatra D=200mmx40x20mm Polizare uscata-2950rpm D=150x20x12.7mm U=230V,50Hz,P=350W,Greutatea=10 kg Livrat cu o pitra polizare umeda si trei pietre polizare uscata(gr36-40/80 grcor/80 grd silic-carb)
834 lei (TVA inclus)
Polizor de banc cu disc diametru D=150x20x12.7mm.U=230V,50Hz,350W,Greutate=7.8kg.Livrat cu 3 discuri(gr 36-40/gr 80 cor/gr 80 silic)
604 lei (TVA inclus)
Caracteristici tehnice:
Putere:	250 W
Turatie in gol:	2850 rot/min
Disc abraziv(diam/latime/	150mm/16mm/12,7mm
Lungime totala:	375 mm
Greutate:	9,4 kg


Polizor dublu de banc,Diametru disc maxim=200mm,Putere 370 W,Turatie 2950 rpm
702 lei (TVA inclus)
Caracteristici tehnice:
Putere:	550 W
Turatie in gol:	2850 rot/min
Disc abraziv(diam/latime/	205mm/19mm/15,88mm
Lungime totala:	395 mm
Greutate:	20,5 kg


Polizor profesional D=200x25x20mm.U=400V,50Hz,900W,Greutatea=27 kg.Livrat cu 3 pietre(gr 36-40/gr 80 cor/gr80 silic)Optional Suport inaltime 760mm=450ron+tva
1525 lei (TVA inclus)
Technical specifications
  • Pressure force [kN]: 147,15
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 382,2
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 160
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 1,5
  • System capacity [dm³]: 1,65
  • Fixed cylinder: yes
  • Motorised / hand operated: HF
  • Working width [mm]: 555
  • Weight [kg]: 134


  • Diameter of cylinder: 80
  • Diameter of piston rod: 40
  • Diameter of piston head: 50
12600 lei (TVA inclus)
Technical specifications
  • Pressure force [kN]: 294,3
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 374,6
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 160
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 1,5
  • System capacity [dm³]: 1,65
  • Fixed cylinder: yes
  • Motorised / hand operated: HF
  • Working width [mm]: 560
  • Weight [kg]: 172


  • Diameter of cylinder: 110
  • Diameter of piston rod: 40
  • Diameter of piston head: 50
14700 lei (TVA inclus)
  • Technical specifications
    • Pressure force [kN]: 490,5
    • Pressure max. [bar]: 399,5
    • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 160
    • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 2,3
    • System capacity [dm³]: 2,5
    • Fixed cylinder: yes
    • Motorised / hand operated: HF
    • Working width [mm]: 750
    • Weight [kg]: 309


    • Diameter of cylinder: 140
    • Diameter of piston rod: 50
    • Diameter of piston head: 60
19950 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Pressure force [kN]: 294
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 221
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 380
  • Oil delivery [l/min]: 2,82/11,84
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 51
  • System capacity [dm³]: 6,5
  • Press speed [mm/sec]: 3,57
  • Cylinder lowering speed [mm/sec]: 15
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 18,11
  • Motor [kW]: 1,5
  • Voltage [V]: 400/3
  • Frequency [hz]: 50/60
  • Revolutions per minute [rpm]: 3000
  • Insulation protection [IP]: 54
  • Insulation classification: I
  • Speed: 2 speeds (incl. pressure regulation)
  • Working width [mm]: 750
  • Weight [kg]: 385


  • Diameter of cylinder: 130
  • Diameter of piston rod: 55
  • Diameter of piston head: 80

Technical specifications

  • Pressure force [kN]: 588
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 259
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 380
  • Oil delivery [l/min]: 2,82/11,84
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 51
  • System capacity [dm³]: 8
  • Press speed [mm/sec]: 2,07
  • Cylinder lowering speed [mm/sec]: 8,69
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 10,79
  • Motor [kW]: 1,5
  • Voltage [V]: 400/3
  • Frequency [hz]: 50/60
  • Revolutions per minute [rpm]: 3000
  • Insulation protection [IP]: 54
  • Insulation classification: I
  • Movable cylinder: YES
  • Speed: 2 speeds (incl. pressure regulation)
  • Working width [mm]: 750
  • Weight [kg]: 540


  • Diameter of cylinder: 170
  • Diameter of piston rod: 75
  • Diameter of piston head: 100
Presa hidraulica PROFI 100 tone
100 TON M/H-M/C-2 D=1500

Technical specifications

  • Pressure force [kN]: 981
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 258
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 380
  • Oil delivery [l/min]: 5,64/17,2
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 51
  • System capacity [dm³]: 12
  • Press speed [mm/sec]: 2,47
  • Cylinder lowering speed [mm/sec]: 7,54
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 9,06
  • Motor [kW]: 2,2
  • Voltage [V]: 400/3
  • Frequency [hz]: 50/60
  • Revolutions per minute [rpm]: 3000
  • Insulation protection [IP]: 54
  • Insulation classification: I
  • Movable cylinder: Yes
  • Speed: 2 speeds (incl. pressure regulation)
  • Working width [mm]: 1500
  • Weight [kg]: 1145


  • Diameter of cylinder: 220
  • Diameter of piston rod: 90
  • Diameter of piston head: 120
Presa hidraulica PROFI 160 tone
160 TON M/H-M/C-2 D=1500

Technical specifications

  • Pressure force [kN]: 1570
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 255
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 400
  • Oil delivery [l/min]: 7,1/27,6
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 51
  • System capacity [dm³]: 17
  • Press speed [mm/sec]: 2,40
  • Cylinder lowering speed [mm/sec]: 7,48
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 9,35
  • Motor [kW]: 3
  • Voltage [V]: 400/3
  • Frequency [hz]: 50/60
  • Revolutions per minute [rpm]: 3000
  • Insulation protection [IP]: 54
  • Insulation classification: I
  • Movable cylinder: YES
  • Speed: 2 speeds (incl. pressure regulation)
  • Working width [mm]: 1500
  • Weight [kg]: 1430


  • Diameter of cylinder: 280
  • Diameter of piston rod: 125
  • Diameter of piston head: 160

Technical specifications

  • Pressure force [kN]: 1962
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 243
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 400
  • Oil delivery [l/min]: 7,1/27,6
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 51
  • System capacity [dm³]: 23
  • Press speed [mm/sec]: 1,84
  • Cylinder lowering speed [mm/sec]: 5,73
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 7,08
  • Motor [kW]: 3
  • Voltage [V]: 400/3
  • Frequency [hz]: 50/60
  • Revolutions per minute [rpm]: 3000
  • Insulation protection [IP]: 54
  • Insulation classification: I
  • Movable cylinder: YES
  • Speed: 2 speeds (incl. pressure regulation)
  • Working width [mm]: 1300
  • Weight [kg]: 1690


  • Diameter of cylinder: 325
  • Diameter of piston rod: 140
  • Diameter of piston head: 175

Technical specifications

  • Pressure force [kN]: 2943
  • Pressure max. [bar]: 260
  • Cylinder stroke [mm]: 500
  • Oil delivery [l/min]: 7.1/27,6
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: 70
  • Press speed [mm/sec]: 1,74
  • Cylinder lowering speed [mm/sec]: 4,90
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 5,67
  • Motor power [kW]: 5,5
  • Voltage [V]: 400/3
  • Frequency [hz]: 50/60
  • Revolutions per minute [rpm]: 3000
  • Insulation protection [IP]: 54
  • Insulation classification: I
  • Movable cylinder: YES
  • Speed: 2 speeds (incl. pressure regulation)
  • Working width [mm]: 1750
  • Weight [kg]: 2320


  • Diameter of cylinder: 380
  • Diameter of piston rod: 180
  • Diameter of piston head: 210

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 25
  • Motor power [hp]: 2
  • Throat depth [mm]: 250
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 3.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 20
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 28
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 165
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Lower table [mm]: 400x400
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 850
  • Total length [mm]: 900
  • Total width [mm]: 510
  • Total height [mm]: 1.900
  • Weight [kg]: 1.050
75660 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 25
  • Motor power [hp]: 2
  • Throat depth [mm]: 250
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 3.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 20
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 28
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 165
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Lower table [mm]: 400x400
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 850
  • Total length [mm]: 900
  • Total width [mm]: 510
  • Total height [mm]: 1.900
111550 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 50
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Throat depth [mm]: 265
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 6.3
  • Approxim. speed [mm/sec]: 30
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 42
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Lower table [mm]: 450x450
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 850
  • Total length [mm]: 1.100
  • Total width [mm]: 560
  • Total height [mm]: 2.020
  • Weight [kg]: 1.480
81965 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 50
  • Motor power [hp]: 5,5
  • Throat depth [mm]: 265
  • Working speed [mm/s]: 6,3
  • Approaching speed [mm/s]: 30
  • Return speed [mm/s]: 42
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table [mm]: 700x450
  • Upper table [mm]: 550x300
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 850
  • Total length [mm]: 1.100
  • Total width [mm]: 780
  • Total height [mm]: 2.220
  • Weight [kg]: 1.750
117370 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 80
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Throat depth [mm]: 290
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 5.7
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 28
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 40
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston lift [mm]: 250
  • Lower table [mm]: 500x500
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 850
  • Total length [mm]: 1.250
  • Total width [mm]: 600
  • Total height [mm]: 2.020
  • Weight [kg]: 1.750
87203 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 80
  • Motor power [hp]: 7,5
  • Throat depth [mm]: 290
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 5,7
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 28
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 40
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table [mm]: 700x500
  • Upper table [mm]: 600x300
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Front light [mm]: ---
  • Working height [mm]: 850
  • Total length [mm]: 1.250
  • Total width [mm]: 830
  • Total height [mm]: 2.315
  • Weight [kg]: 2.180
128040 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 100
  • Motor power [hp]: 7.5
  • Throat depth [mm]: 325
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 6.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 30
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 49
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Lower table [mm]: 550x550
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total length [mm]: 1.400
  • Total width [mm]: 650
  • Total height [mm]: 2.160
  • Weight [kg]: 2.340
96224 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 100
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Throat depth [mm]: 325
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 6,2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 30
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 49
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table [mm]: 800x550
  • Upper table [mm]: 650x400
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Front light [mm]: ---
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total length [mm]: 1.400
  • Total width [mm]: 860
  • Total height [mm]: 2.565
  • Weight [kg]: 2.820
137740 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Throat depth [mm]: 375
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 4
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 26
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 40
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Lower table [mm]: 650x650
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 950
  • Total length [mm]: 1.600
  • Total width [mm]: 695
  • Total height [mm]: 2.295
  • Weight [kg]: 3.220
119892 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Throat depth [mm]: 375
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 4,0
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 26
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 40
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table [mm]: 900x650
  • Upper table [mm]: 700x450
  • Max. vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Front light [mm]: ---
  • Working height [mm]: 950
  • Total length [mm]: 1.600
  • Total width [mm]: 955
  • Total height [mm]: 2.710
  • Weight [kg]: 3.500
167810 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 80
  • Motor power [hp]: 7.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 5.7
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 28
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 40
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table size [mm]: 700x500
  • Upper table size [mm]: 600x450
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Front light [mm]: 800
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1475
  • Total width [mm]: 955
  • Total height [mm]: 2475
  • Weight [kg]: 2080
179300 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 100
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 6.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 30
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 49
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table size [mm]: 700x500
  • Upper table size [mm]: 600x450
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Front light [mm]: 800
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1525
  • Total width [mm]: 955
  • Total height [mm]: 2555
  • Weight [kg]: 2340
192620 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 4
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 26
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 40
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Lower table size [mm]: 750x550
  • Upper table size [mm]: 650x500
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 400
  • Front light [mm]: 850
  • Working height [mm]: 950
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1675
  • Total width [mm]: 985
  • Total height [mm]: 2700
  • Weight [kg]: 2890
223500 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 220
  • Motor power [hp]: 15
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 3.8
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 17
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 30
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 60
  • Lower table size [mm]: 800x600
  • Upper table size [mm]: 700x550
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Front light [mm]: 900
  • Working height [mm]: 1000
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1875
  • Total width [mm]: 1095
  • Total height [mm]: 3045
  • Weight [kg]: 4680
284600 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 300
  • Motor power [hp]: 15
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.8
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 14
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 21
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 60
  • Lower table size [mm]: 850x650
  • Upper table size [mm]: 750x600
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Front light [mm]: 950
  • Working height [mm]: 1000
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2025
  • Total width [mm]: 1145
  • Total height [mm]: 3115
  • Weight [kg]: 5550
329900 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 500
  • Motor power [hp]: 20
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.8
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10.6
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16.6
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 260
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 500
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 80
  • Lower table size [mm]: 900x800
  • Upper table size [mm]: 1000x850
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 700
  • Front light [mm]: 1150
  • Working height [mm]: 1000
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2580
  • Total width [mm]: 1400
  • Total height [mm]: 3250
  • Weight [kg]: 14750
576250 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn] 80
  • Motor power [hp] 4
  • Piston stroke [mm] 500
  • Maximum pressure [bar] 315
  • Approaching speed [mm/s] 19
  • Work speed [mm/s] 3.8
  • Return speed [mm/s] 28
  • Weight [kg] 1240
73138 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn] 150
  • Motor power [hp] 7,5
  • Piston stroke [mm] 400
  • Maximum pressure [bar] 315
  • Approaching speed [mm/s] 14
  • Work speed [mm/s] 3.1
  • Return speed [mm/s] 22
  • Weight [kg] 6500
268690 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn] 220
  • Motor power [hp] 10
  • Piston stroke [mm] 300
  • Maximum pressure [bar] 315
  • Approaching speed [mm/s] 13
  • Work speed [mm/s] 2.7
  • Return speed [mm/s] 24
  • Weight [kg] 13000
377815 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn] 300
  • Motor power [hp] 10
  • Piston stroke [mm] 300
  • Maximum pressure [bar] 315
  • Approaching speed [mm/s] 9
  • Work speed [mm/s] 2
  • Return speed [mm/s] 15
  • Weight [kg] 16000
528941 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 50
  • Motor power [hp]: 5,5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 45
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 60
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 60
  • Table size [mm]: 970x620
  • Between columns [mm]: 750x400
  • Vertical light [mm]: 550
  • Working height [mm]: 750
  • Total height [mm]: 2800
  • Weight [kg]: 5000
270145 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 80
  • Motor power [hp]: 7.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 8
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 39
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 56
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 400
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 80
  • Table size [mm]: 1150x770
  • Between columns [mm]: 900x500
  • Vertical light [mm]: 600
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total height [mm]: 2875
  • Weight [kg]: 6500
332613 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 100
  • Motor power [hp]: 11
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 9
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 38
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 59
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 500
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 100
  • Table size [mm]: 1400x950
  • Between columns [mm]: 1050x600
  • Vertical light [mm]: 650
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total height [mm]: 2925
  • Weight [kg]: 8000
405363 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor power [hp]: 15
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 8
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 29
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 45
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 500
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 120
  • Table size [mm]: 1440x990
  • Between columns [mm]: 1050x600
  • Vertical light [mm]: 700
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total height [mm]: 3050
  • Weight [kg]: 9700
446976 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 220
  • Motor power [hp]: 18
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 7
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 27
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 49
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 500
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 120
  • Table size [mm]: 1640x1040
  • Between columns [mm]: 1200x650
  • Vertical light [mm]: 750
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total height [mm]: 3125
  • Weight [kg]: 15000
530590 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 300
  • Motor power [hp]: 22
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 6
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 21
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 31
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 500
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 150
  • Table size [mm]: 2050x1100
  • Between columns [mm]: 1550x650
  • Vertical light [mm]: 800
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total height [mm]: 3250
  • Weight [kg]: 18000
577150 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 80
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 3.8
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 19
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 28
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Front light [mm]: 1.050
  • Side light [mm]: 180
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Bed light [mm]: 320
  • Working height [mm]: 800
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1530
  • Total width [mm]: 750
  • Total height [mm]: 2240
  • Weight [kg]: 1120
59267 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 100
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 3.1
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 24
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Front light [mm]: 1050
  • Side light [mm]: 190
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Bed light [mm]: 340
  • Working height [mm]: 800
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1600
  • Total width [mm]: 800
  • Total height [mm]: 2280
  • Weight [kg]: 1750
65960 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 100
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 3.1
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 24
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Headstock sliding [mm]: 1050
  • Front light [mm]: 1500
  • Side light [mm]: 180
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Bed light [mm]: 340
  • Working height [mm]: 800
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2050
  • Total width [mm]: 800
  • Total height [mm]: 2375
  • Weight [kg]: 2170
80510 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.0
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Front light [mm]: 1050
  • Side light [mm]: 240
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Bed light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 800
  • Total lenght [mm]: 1670
  • Total width [mm]: 800
  • Total height [mm]: 2405
  • Weight [kg]: 2050
76145 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor power [hp]: 5.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.0
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Headstock sliding [mm]: 1000
  • Front light [mm]: 1500
  • Side light [mm]: 240
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 500
  • Bed light [mm]: 400
  • Working height [mm]: 800
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2120
  • Total width [mm]: 800
  • Total height [mm]: 2470
  • Weight [kg]: 2680
97873 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 220
  • Motor power [hp]: 7.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 18
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Front light [mm]: 1500
  • Side light [mm]: 270
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 600
  • Bed light [mm]: 470
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2140
  • Total width [mm]: 1000
  • Total height [mm]: 2835
  • Weight [kg]: 3680
127555 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 220
  • Motor power [hp]: 7.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 18
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Headstock sliding [mm]: 950
  • Front light [mm]: 1500
  • Side light [mm]: 280
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 600
  • Bed light [mm]: 480
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2140
  • Total width [mm]: 1000
  • Total height [mm]: 2835
  • Weight [kg]: 3720
142590 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 300
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.1
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 11
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Front light [mm]: 1500
  • Side light [mm]: 330
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 600
  • Bed light [mm]: 530
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2180
  • Total width [mm]: 1000
  • Total height [mm]: 2925
  • Weight [kg]: 4350
150350 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 300
  • Motor power [hp]: 10
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type: TL-46
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.1
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 11
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Headstock sliding [mm]: 900
  • Front light [mm]: 1500
  • Side light [mm]: 330
  • Maximal vertical light [mm]: 600
  • Bed light [mm]: 530
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2180
  • Total width [mm]: 1000
  • Total height [mm]: 2925
  • Weight [kg]: 4390
167810 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 150
  • Motor Power [hp]: 5.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type TL-46
  • Throat depth [mm]: 375
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 250
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 50
  • Opening between tables [mm]: 600
  • Lower table size [mm]: 2000x500
  • Upper table size [mm]: 700x450
  • Two blocks bottom table [mm]: 100x100x500
  • One block upper table [mm]: 100x100x400
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 2850
  • Total width [mm]: 2000
  • Total height [mm]: 1800
  • Weight [kg]: 6700
180420 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 220
  • Motor Power [hp]: 7.5
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type TL-46
  • Throat depth [mm]: 400
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.2
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 18
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 60
  • Opening between tables [mm]: 650
  • Lower table size [mm]: 2500x600
  • Upper table size [mm]: 700x550
  • Two blocks bottom table [mm]: 120x120x600
  • One block upper table [mm]: 120x120x500
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 3100
  • Total width [mm]: 2500
  • Total height [mm]: 2100
  • Weight [kg]: 12150
252200 lei (TVA inclus)

Technical specifications

  • Force [tn]: 300
  • Motor Power [hp]: 10
  • Oil tank capacity [dm³]: min. 30 - Oil type TL-46
  • Throat depth [mm]: 425
  • Working speed [mm/sec]: 2.1
  • Approaching speed [mm/sec]: 10
  • Return speed [mm/sec]: 16
  • Maximum pressure [bar]: 320
  • Piston stroke [mm]: 300
  • Guides diameter [mm]: 60
  • Opening between tables [mm]: 700
  • Lower table size [mm]: 2500x700
  • Upper table size [mm]: 750x600
  • Two blocks bottom table [mm]: 120x120x700
  • One block upper table [mm]: 120x120x600
  • Working height [mm]: 900
  • Total lenght [mm]: 3250
  • Total width [mm]: 2500
  • Total height [mm]: 2250
  • Weight [kg]: 15300
302640 lei (TVA inclus)

Polizorul puternic pentru condiţii foarte grele de utilizare

  • Motoare puternice, sprijinite pe rulmenţi cu bile, capsulate pentru protecţie împotriva prafului în carcasă din fontă masivă
  • Apărătoare de protecţie din metal turnat
  • Ochelari de protecţie împotriva scânteilor, mari, reglabili
  • Suporturi de susţinere pentru piese de lucru stabile, reglabile
  • Schimbare simplă a discurilor
1369 lei (TVA inclus)
(momentan cosul este gol)
căutare personalizată
Membru : panouri solare, scule pneumatice
07/23/2024 06:52:52
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